MOSL publishes highlights of Wheatley Pinpoint’s successful trial

8th July 2024

Highlights of Wheatley Pinpoint’s successful trial is published in MOSL’s latest newsletter, and the full, detailed report has been published on their website. Market Operator Services Ltd (MOSL) is the market operator for the non-household water retail market in England. If you would like to view the full report please email Simon Murray, Water Solution Manager at Wheatley; Wheatley Pinpoint is a meter data management system built specifically for water meters and remote reading technologies with unprecedented results. It holds and validates detailed asset data from smart water meters and data loggers providing valuable insight. 

Download the trial summary

5th June 2024

The recent Wheatley Pinpoint market trial confirmed that poor quality data is causing friction between water Retailers and Wholesalers, resulting in significant costs. By validating data to highlight weak areas for investigation, auto correcting whenever possible and introducing standardisation, much of these costs can be avoided simply by adopting Wheatley Pinpoint. Other valuable data can also be collected including photographs, and by joining market and non-market data further insights to help tackle market and industry-wide challenges such as leakage are possible, helping establish a truly flourishing competitive market. A detailed report has been submitted to MOSL for sharing with its members. A summary of this report can be downloaded here: MIF Project Wheatley Pinpoint High Level Summary It is our firm belief that Wheatley Pinpoint should be adopted as the markets’ new central data hub for meter data. It’s ready and waiting…

SIT Functional Cycle 1 complete

3rd June 2024

Wheatley has completed System Integration Testing Functional Cycle 1 as directed by the MHHS Programme. Moving from 1998’s regulations to the MHHS regulations is rather complex and has absorbed many hours of our experts’ time. Intricate timetabling, data loading, updating environments, testing, testing, testing and ensuring everything is connected as expected. We are delighted that four of our somewhat large utility metering customers have put their trust in Wheatley to take them on the journey at the same time, ensuring that they are in front of the pack, overcoming hurdles in plenty of time to prepare for a state of readiness without spiraling into a state of panic overload. This is undoubtedly the most multi-layered, intellectually challenging and far-reaching project we have worked on since deregulation. But here’s the thing – we’re loving the stimulation and the satisfaction of adapting our leading software product to meet the MHHS Programme criteria, and we’re making friends along the way. Cycle 2 begins on 10th June and we’re ready for it.


14th May 2024

Every now and then you see or hear something that makes you sit up and take notice. And when you think about it, so often it is because an idea …

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Customers place reliance on Wheatley Sapphire

22nd April 2024

The deadline to apply for MHHS Re-Qualification is this Friday, 26th April. Wheatley Sapphire is taking part in MHHS SIT which means that our customers can rely on the MHHS Placing Reliance Policy to simplify the qualification route. This policy outlines the criteria and scenarios where the approach of placing reliance could be adopted by Market participants within the MHHS Programme, and thereby ensuring there is no unnecessary duplication of effort for market participants not participating in MHHS SIT in achieving the Programme testing objectives. We anticipate that the Programme with receive a high number of requests from companies wanting to be included in wave one and we will be paying close attention to how the Programme intend to allocate qualification windows, so that we can help our customers adopt the new MHHS codes to fit their business objectives.

Membership confirmed

27th March 2024

Wheatley Software Solutions is now a member of BSI, gaining access to an additional layer of experts with industry insight for best practice. Jane Bromley, Chief Commercial Officer commented, “When customers see a certification accredited by BSI, they understand that rigorous evaluation processes have been adhered to. Wheatley has been independently awarded the latest ISO/IEC27001:2022 for Information Security, ISO/IEC22301:2019 for Business Continuity, and ISO/IEC9001:2015 for Quality Management by BSI. Membership of the BSI community enhances our operational excellence.”

Successful transition to latest IEC 27001:2022

14th March 2024

We are delighted to share with you that Wheatley Software Solutions has been transitioned for our certification for ISO/IEC 27001 to the 2022 version of the standard today. Conformity with this standard proves that our business has systems in place to manage risks relating to data security for our own and customer data. ISO/IEC 27001 is the world’s best known standard for Information Security Management and ISO/IEC 27001:2022 brings this security framework up to date to meet modern cyber-security demands. “With many million items of data in our care, Wheatley Software Solutions has a responsibility to keep that data safe, at all times,” comments Service Delivery Manager Jessica Denny. “The accreditation demonstrates our operational excellence and cyber resilience, and this achievement belongs to everyone at Wheatley who studiously follow the code of practice.”

With an increase in cyber-crime and new threats constantly emerging, managing cyber-risks is complex and challenging. ISO/IEC 27001:2022 helps organisations become risk-aware and proactively identify and address weaknesses. This standard promotes an integrated approach to information security, continuously improving our ability to proactively manage mission critical software applications and the data held within them. Our BSI audit report confirmed “a mature and well documented management system”, supported with an “embedded risk assessment process and strong IT controls that are continually improving”.

International Women’s Day #inspireinclusion

8th March 2024

Today we are celebrating International Women’s Day and the theme this year is to inspire inclusion. Wheatley Software Solutions includes women in every layer of how and what we deliver; …

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No non-conformities

27th February 2024

This week, in our ISO 9001 surveillance audit, no non-conformities were found. Contracts in the utility sector often mandate Business Continuity and Information Security accreditations, however with the addition of Quality …

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MHHS Component Integration Testing completed

31st January 2024

Component Integration Testing (CIT) is now complete for all Wheatley environments. Results confirm that Wheatley Sapphire is able to communicate successfully with the MHHS Programme’s Data Integration Platform. Next is the System Integration Testing Functional stage (SITF). We’re on top of this and feeling confident. If you’d like to know more about our flagship product take a look here

Pinpoint trial extended

25th January 2024

Announcing trial extension! Wheatley Pinpoint is a market improvement platform for water wholesalers and retailers to share, access and improve meter asset information, smart meter data and other valuable information not needed in CMOS. Easy to …

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ISO 23001 recertified

14th November 2023

We are pleased to advise that Wheatley Solutions has been recertified for the BSI Business Continuity Management Standard.  The auditor complimented us on ‘the commitment of staff to maintaining and improving the BCMS.’ The British Standard provides a code of practice and specifications to allow an organisation to measure their business continuity management in a consistent and recognised manner. 

Celebratory email to all Principal Contacts

1st November 2023

Dear Participant, Following the approval of Milestone Nine (M9 – System Integration Testing Start) at Programme Steering Group (PSG) on Monday 30 October, the Programme will proceed into its next …

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Wheatley Pinpoint – Market wide pilot 

24th October 2023

The three month pilot of Wheatley Pinpoint is to start on 1st November. All trading parties are encouraged to get in touch with Wheatley to gain access, try it out …

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Race across Suffolk – everyone’s a winner!

18th October 2023

Delighted that Wheatley Solutions were able to enter a team in the Race Across Suffolk. Every penny raised by employers, friends and family enables The Blossom Charity to continue to help others be the best they can be. Thanks to Stuart Atkins, Engineering Director and Simon Knights, Infrastructure Manager for taking part and coming a very respectable third! A big thumbs up to colleagues and customers who sponsored them. 

Office or remote; what is the best formula for success? 

How important is it for your business that people are all working together in an office? Three years ago, we were firm believers in the need for everyone to be …

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If it’s important to you…

18th August 2023

Despite being in business for over forty years, all around the world, I’m still learning.     During a recent away day, a senior staff member addressed the room of colleagues …

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Take a seat

17th July 2023

Now in its fifth year, the art sculpture trail in Eye, Suffolk, features 24 beautifully painted benches, as well as mini Suffolk-shaped tables and decorated cushions.  Enjoyed by visitors to this picturesque town throughout the summer, the ‘Sit with Us’ sculptures are gathered up for auction in September.  All money raised helps towards the Blossom Charity’s work in supporting and developing people in East Anglia who are going through personal difficulties within a broad spectrum. This is achieved through a combination of workshops and one-to-one coaching. Wheatley Solutions has purchased a bench this year and joined once again with artist Anna Partington to create an eye-catching and colourful menagerie of foliage. We wish all sponsors good luck in helping to fund this meaningful local charity.

Confirmed participation in MHHS SIT

6th June 2023

Wheatley Solutions will participate in MHHS System Integration Testing (SIT) – this is the start of something really exciting. Taking a leading role in these significant and complex industry changes is important to us and advantageous to our customers, who will benefit from our understanding, expertise and first mover advantage. We’ve hoped this would be an outcome since the start: MHHS support for our products has already been a work-in-progress for a long time. Wheatley Solutions continuously takes a leading stance, never shying away from a challenge and we know that our customers value our approach. Our expectations have always been to stay close to the MHHS programme, to help shape and test the changes, adopt the new language and make sure that our products are fit for purpose at every step of the way. We work hard to remain ahead of industry changes and this is no exception. The Data Integration Platform (DIP) at the heart of the MHHS programme is also key to participation in SIT and we will ensure that we are able to consume and produce all the different messages necessary for the Metering Service, for both Smart and Advanced categories.

Recertification success

16th May 2023

Big smiles all round at Wheatley Solutions when our auditor announced the outcome of our recent ISO 9001 Quality Recertification audit and commented, “It’s rare for me not to find anything, you should all be very pleased with yourselves.” These independently verified quality standards keep Wheatley Solutions in good shape, giving us the ability to pivot to meet an ever changing and more regulatory demanding utility metering environment.

Head start for Wheatley’s customers

17th April 2023

We’re supporting customers through the complexities of the MHHS Programme, ensuring that our meter operations software is ready with time to spare. Our leading meter data software product Wheatley Sapphire will be taking part in MHHS Systems Integration Testing (SIT), providing a head start for those customers who have already transferred to this SAAS solution so they can be ready to meet the new regulatory requirements.

ISO 27001 update

8th March 2023

We are delighted to confirm that the annual surveillance audit for our ISO 27001 Information Security Management accreditation was successful. We have repeatedly retained this accreditation, along with others, time after time. Wheatley Solutions is a meticulously run business and this is a little feather in our cap for which our customers feel very reassured by.


Wheatley Pinpoint poised for growth

1st March 2023

Bristol Water are lead sponsor for the MOSL market improvement funded (MIF) project Wheatley Pinpoint  This meter data management system, built specifically for water meters and remote reading technologies, will deliver a three-month pilot of a central data platform for meter asset information, meter reads and additional smart meter data.  Taking the market data held in CMOS, it will expose potential inaccuracies in current data, as well as allow capture of other valuable information about the meter and its location through the Wheatley Pinpoint Hub and dedicated app.  This includes meter reads, photographs and on-site observations e.g. reporting a broken meter or a leak.  Wheatley Solutions are pleased to be partnering with Blicker AI to include a trial where a meter reading is obtained from a photograph eliminating risk of human error when typing in a read. The pilot is aimed at realising the huge cost-efficiencies that sharper data and meter accessibility can deliver to the market.


Reassuring Cyber Security 

7th February 2023

Wheatley Solutions has formalised an agreement with prestigious forensic cyber security firm; the leading ISO 17025 accredited provider of Digital Forensic services to Law Enforcement and Government Agencies.  Around-the-clock, rapid response and remediation services mean that immediate fixes can be deployed if the need arises. Infrastructure Manager, Simon Knights advised, “Should there be a vulnerability, we can isolate or quarantine the threat and carry out cleansing or removal as appropriate.” With this in place, along with our ISO 27001 Information Security certification, an internationally recognised information security management system providing a framework to ensure that products and services meet best practice, customer and regulatory requirements, customers know that their data is safe with us.

Certainty for customers

12th December 2022

Business Continuity Audit completed. No non-conformities found. No areas for improvement highlighted. “Wheatley Solutions fulfils standards and audit criteria.” Regular audits take an in-depth look at our business model, systems and behaviours which means that everything we do must always be on top form. Accreditation is independently awarded, giving our customers an additional layer of trust in what we deliver and how we deliver it. We are certified to multiple ISO standards; ISO9001, ISO22301 and ISO27001. Maintaining our Business Continuity ISO 22301 accreditation provides certainty for customers in this current uncertain climate and we work hard to keep it that way. As a business handling millions of items of data for big companies with solid brand reputations, we are determined to remain a partner that they can continue to rely on. To achieve this, Wheatley Solutions is regularly audited, and we aim to achieve the best outcomes.  

Keeping you in the loop

22nd November 2022

The Retail Energy Code Company (RECco) introduced three new aspects to its platform during October. The first of these is their Digital Navigator, to view Code Schedules and Data Specification Information. Next is their Portal Metering Hub, to access important technical, operational and safety information relating to metering arrangements under the REC. The third activity to launch is a new forum called the REC Issues Group (RIG). You can read more about these on our dedicated RECco page,, updated monthly in bite sized chunks or visit for a deeper dive.

Readiness interview

21st November 2022

Wheatley Solutions has spoken to the MHHS Programme facilitators, and we have completed the ‘readiness interview’. Representing the concerns of our customers, we asked about the opportunities for testing along with other challenges that are on our client’s minds. The programme assured us that all questions would receive their attention and that responses would be forthcoming. We continue to summarise updates on our website. For full details about all aspects of the MHHS programme head to their website.

E.ON selects Wheatley Solutions

Wheatley Solutions are delighted to announce a new contract to provide E.ON UK with Wheatley Sapphire to manage E.ON’s industry meter operations and Wheatley Amethyst for the management of E.ON’s meter asset portfolio.

E.ON are one of the UK’s largest electricity suppliers and selected Wheatley Solutions as part of their Energy Infrastructure Services transformation project, based on Wheatley’s sophisticated off-the-shelf solutions for managing complex industry requirements and straight-forward approach to working as part of the customer’s team.

Wheatley will work closely with E.ON to integrate its PaaS products into E.ON’s energy infrastructure platform to deliver the high level of process automation, data visibility and user control Wheatley’s solutions offer. E.ON will use Wheatley Amethyst to manage its full inventory of its customer’s assets and Wheatley Sapphire to manage in excess of 25 million data flows annually across E.ON’s 9 million strong meter asset fleet.

Gillian Baker Director of Smart Field Connections at E.ON said “Wheatley Solutions are a great fit to work with the E.ON team on this major transformation project. They offer a unique combination of ready to go solutions, proven to handle meter operations efficiently and at scale, with a personal service that supports my team every step of the way. It is very important to E.ON to work with suppliers who deliver on their promises, because the scale and complexity of the E.ON business means every component has to be relied upon to maintain the smooth running of our business critical operations. Wheatley take pride in being real specialists in what they do and that shows in the products and the people who deliver the service.”

MHHS Readiness Assessment

7th October 2022

Wheatley are responding to the MHHS Readiness Assessment on behalf of MEM and MAP customers.  Our response asks further questions concerning the impact on meter operations work from the published MHHS architecture and our conversations with customers.  To support customers further, we operate a Change Ready Group.  You can read more about what the MHHS obligations are for utility companies here: Home – MHHS Programme.  Wheatley Solutions can help if you are considering the impact of MHHS changes on your meter operations, contact us for a discussion Wheatley Solutions | We’d love to hear from you

Bring home the bacon!

2nd August 2022

The Blossom charity receives our support each year to develop skills to enhance the employability of individuals. We admire the variety of their fund raising ideas. The sculpture trail is the highlight of the calendar, bringing businesses, artists and the local community together.  Creating a long lasting legacy in the form of sculptures and finishing with an auction, we hope that this year’s Piggy Tail Trail attracts lots of attention and generous bidding, find out more here Big thanks to our artist Anna Partington


Mapping water based eco projects, results are in…

24th May 2022

Launched with the South Lincolnshire Water Partnership, Anglian Water and Affinity Water, this is a project to turn Wheatley’s vision for an open communication tool to map and share information on water environmental projects into reality. “What a great platform, well done to whoever created this. I’ve been after something like this for a while. Would be great for the catchment partnership” Environment Agency Catchment Coordinator. The initial case study received encouraging feedback paving the way for the next phase of development. Details and conclusions can be read here. Email Water Solution Manager Simon Murray to take part

IS0 27001 retained!

9th May 2022

Wheatley Solutions is certified to multiple ISO standards, (ISO 9001, ISO 22301 and ISO 27001) and we maintain a combined management system, IMS. Regular audits take an in-depth look at our business model, systems and behaviour which means that everything we do must always be on top form. Accreditation is independently awarded, giving our customers an additional layer of trust in what we deliver and how we deliver it. The stellar outcome of this latest ISO 27001 recertification that is carried out every 3 years reinforces our commitment to our you.

Important pilot extended.

5th April 2022

Your chance to influence the future for water abstraction. Being involved is totally free! The water trade pilot that started in December 2020, covering all of Suffolk and most of Essex, Cambridge and Norfolk has just been extended until December 2022. This is good news for abstractors, farmers and landowners in these water-stressed areas. Read all about it here: Important pilot extended…

ITIL strength

22nd February 2022

Service Delivery Manager, Jessica Denny has received her Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) 4 Foundation certificate in IT Service Management. Information Technology has always been at the core of Wheatley Solutions and remains our key strategic capability. As the company grows, it is essential to maintain these well-defined policies, procedures, and processes. The ITIL 4 Foundation helps steer a flexible end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of technology enabled products and services. For us, the benefit of adhering to these tried and tested practices is the value that it will provide to our customers and stakeholders in terms of co-creation. Working openly with customers, collaborating and communicating will always feel important to us.

The end of PARMS Reporting

14th February 2022

As anticipated, Elexon have announced today that the industry requirement for reporting PARMS serials will cease from 24th February.

Suppliers, Meter Operators and Data Collectors will no longer be required submit monthly Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Serials and associated Supplier Charges, as a more accurate version of this data is now available from other sources.

Elexon note that as the change is to be implemented almost immediately industry central systems won’t be updated in the same timescales and therefore anyone receiving email reminders to submit PARMS serials should ignore the request.

This is good news for those fulfilling a MOP role within the energy industry and more information can be found on the Elexon website, which includes a short podcast explaining the change.


First round winner!

8th December 2021

Wheatley Pinpoint was one of the successful bids to be awarded funding in the debut round of MOSL’s Market Improvement Fund initiative Wheatley Pinpoint aims to provide a central hub for enhanced data on water meters and supply points, with this information available to all trading parties as well as data validation services to help improve market performance. This app gives access to the information in the field, along with tools to help locate the meter, correct any inaccuracies in the data and collect other valuable information including photographs. Plus value-add services that trading parties can opt in on a pay-as-you-go basis. Currently running a three month pilot alongside Blicker, with photographs taken through Wheatley Pinpoint, passing them in real-time through the Blicker Ai service to extract a meter reading and other information from the image. Our bid was sponsored by Bristol Water and is supported by Blicker – thank you! Wheatley Pinpoint has already been successfully trialled by Bristol Water and Portsmouth Water

Engineering Director joins official MHHS steering group

6th December 2021

Wheatley Solution’s Engineering Director Stuart Atkins has been invited to join the official MHHS (market-wide half-hourly settlement) programme group, recently formed to help steer these industry changes. A new aligned website has been created as a reference point for updates and information: When these changes were announced over a year ago, Wheatley Solutions immediately created its own MHHS advisory group, in the absence of an official committee, to guide customers along the journey, with all pertinent documentation and updates hosted on our website here: If you are a customer of ours, it’s not to late to join this group, just contact us to be enrolled

 ISO 22301 Business Continuity success

24th November 2021

ISO 22301 helps companies to protect against, prepare for, respond to and recover when disruptive incidents arise. Achieving the Business Continuity standard is reassuring for our customers as it also helps us to identify potential threats and to build the capacity to deal with unforeseen events. Well done everyone at Wheatley Solutions for successfully achieving this lofty goal once again!

Independent verification of our quality standards

11th November 2021

Delighted to tell you that once again we have met the criteria of this quality management standard, established by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO), to inspire trust for a more resilient world. The excellent reputation of ISO 9001 is driven by its requirement for ongoing improvement. This means that any customer of Wheatley Solutions benefits from our focussed approach to raise the bar. We’re very proud of every member of the Wheatley crew who helped us to pass with flying colours.

Meeting the demand for water

3rd November 2021

Wheatley Solutions, together with Anglian Water, Essex & Suffolk Water and Northumbrian Water have launched a pilot service to help water companies (wholesalers) effectively communicate with water retailers on the current status relating to their ability to meet demand for water in a given area, as well as promote key messages around demand challenges and drought restriction challenges as result of weather events.  The vision is for a trustworthy national view, with information updated directly by the water companies, removing the need for water retailers to visit multiple websites in order to find out what is going on and what they need to do.  The map will also help both wholesalers and retailers meet the obligations they have under the retail market Operational Terms and supports water companies in the delivery of their Drought and Water Resource Management Plans. Achieving the vision for this national view, desired and supported by so many organisations, is dependent on the other UK water companies joining; we very much hope to encourage them to join in.

It’s good to get out!

20th July 2021

After eighteen months of restrictions, it’s good to get out. It’s even better when a charity benefits. The Blossom Charity  helps men and women to make long lasting changes in their lives and Wheatley Solutions are delighted to sponsor one of the eye-catching sculptures that form a trail around our local town of Eye in Suffolk. The Way Ahead theme is interpreted by each of the artists on 26 large hares and tortoises and 16 mini ones, to illustrate the different ways in which we might navigate our way out of this pandemic.  Find out more, and how you could bid for one of these beauties on 16th September

Thank you Wheatley!

30th June 2021

When customers say thank you it puts a smile on our faces and a spring in our step. Cheers Tom!

I just wanted to drop you a message of thanks for probably the best release we’ve ever had. This was an important change to get right for us as it was part of a wider co-ordinated industry change. It has been delivered, tested, and deployed to live with only one defect, which was resolved within a couple of days. This is extraordinary, well done. I am convinced the effort we all put into defining requirements together was fundamental to this successful outcome. Being ready to operate on the due day is testament to our collaboration and your ability to understand and interpret what was required.”

Information Security matters!

12th May 2021

It’s that time of year again and we’ve had a great result from our ISO27001 Information Security annual audit. Wheatley Solutions invests in compliance. It keeps us in tip top shape. Our customers know they are safe. Thank you BSI Group UK for helping us to keep it that way.

MHHS architecture published

26th April 2021

Elexon has just published a consultation document, seeking input on the proposed reference architecture for Market Half-Hourly Settlement changes, to be introduced to the market by 2025.

Wheatley Solutions have been anticipating the publication of this document and will issue it’s Be Change Ready MHHS Working Group with a summary of the likely impacts for Meter Operators shortly.

Elexon are inviting interested parties to a webinar on the 12th May and are seeking responses to the consultation by 24th May. Wheatley Solutions will coordinate views and questions on behalf of our customers for submission to the consultation.


Expansion Announced!

9th March 2021

Wheatley Watersource is an innovative software solution to help all local environments trade and share water sustainably. The Environment Agency has just granted approval to expand the pilot geographical area to cover most of East Anglia including the management catchments; Broadland rivers, Cam & Ely Ouse, Essex and the remainder of Suffolk East. This is great news and enables more people to join the scheme.  Join the trial, free of charge here or contact us to find out more.

International Women’s Day

8th March 2021

We are proud to celebrate International Women’s Day with such a prevalence of women at Wheatley Solutions, still a rarity in the utilities and software industry. With women in senior management, engineering and business operational roles, we are all actively encouraged to #choosetochallenge, keeping our company, and its product portfolio, in a leading position.

In the news again

9th February 2021

Delighted to read further coverage about Wheatley Watersource. This is our latest innovation for the water industry, a pilot online platform to help abstractors share and trade water. Full details of the project and how to take part can be found here.

Press coverage is mounting

13th January 2021

Horticulture Week, Utility Week and The Water Report have all covered the launch of Wheatley Watersource’s trial during the first week of January 2021.

Wheatley Watersource allows the communication necessary to broker and track the trade or sharing of water between water abstraction licence holders and others interested in an alternative source of water e.g. golf courses. Users can advertise the need for water or the availability of surplus water, using a map to show geographic proximity and through automated alerts to other users of new activity relevant to them.  But what makes Wheatley Watersource unique is that it has been developed in consultation with the Environment Agency (EA) and uses EA rules and data to provide an immediate assessment of the trade opportunity.

See here for details.

Barriers removed to Market Information

Market information is published alongside a water company’s Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP), supplying a forecast for each of a water company’s Water Resource Zone’s (WRZs) in relation to public water supply and demand risks for the next 25+ years.

Up until now it has been necessary to trawl each water company’s website to view this information. Now there is no need. Wheatley Solutions is removing these barriers and testing a map-based interface all in one place, publicly available and with no need to log in.

View more details here

Get flows right first time

5th January 2021

We’ve added a free tool to validate and decode non-half-hourly MOP/MAM flows in an instant for anyone to use, as many times as they like. Get peace of mind that your flows are well formed and right first time. Go on…give it a try!

Wheatley Solutions are part of MHHS changes

8th December 2020

For meter operators, we’ve got it covered Wheatley are working with customers to meet specific timescales for the roles of Meter Services Smart and Meter Services Advanced. The overall MHHS …

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Water trade pilot launches

1st December 2020

DEFRA, Ofwat and the Environment Agency signalled the urgent need for solutions to the scarcity of water in the UK to Parliament during the last Environmental Bill. The challenge was …

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Solace Utilities choose us

6th October 2020

We are particularly thrilled to announce that Solace Utilities are the first utility metering company to take our new product Wheatley Sapphire. This MOP/MAM fully accredited dual fuel product is …

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Wheatley sponsor a tortoise!

24th September 2020

This summer a fabulous organisation called The Blossom Charity (part of Dream On in Eye) organised The Trail of Hope, an art installation for local residents to enjoy during these strange times. The exhibits were hares and tortoises and Wheatley Solutions sponsored Lockdown Tortoise. Painted by artist Daisy Carrick-Smith, Lockdown Tortoise represents how the lockdown to control the Covid pandemic offered one ray of hope as nature had a chance to begin healing the planet in which we live.

Our beautiful tortoise recently sold for an amazing £3,100, contributing to nearly £11,000 raised in total. All money raised funds coaching courses to help people be the best they can be.  An amazing artwork for an amazing cause.

A Tech East 100 company

22nd September 2020

On Thursday 17th September 2020 Wheatley Solutions were delighted to be announced as part of the Tech East 100 list.

Launching the initiative via a live stream from BT’s innovation hub at Adastral Park, Suffolk, Tech East’s Chair Lisa Perkins congratulated all 100 companies for making the list and explained the important role of technology firms in our region.

Tech East 100 recognises companies in Norfolk and Suffolk, who are working to pioneer new technologies or find new markets and applications for technology.

Find us in The Water Report

3rd September 2020

In the press! September’s issue of The Water Report, features the wide ranging industry benefits of Wheatley Pinpoint. Simon Bennett, head of wholesale water services at Bristol Water and the wholesaler chair of The Retailer Wholesaler Group takes centre stage of Industry Comment. Recommending our app, he states how it could transform industry statistics on long unread meters, meter locations, meter reading, vacant accuracy and customer service. To read the full article you can sign up to receive The Water Report here.

If you would like to find out more about trialling this award winning app, please contact us here.

Be Change Ready

23rd July 2020

Market-wide half-hourly settlement, (MHHS) review programme is on its way. Get prepared with us. Join our Be Change Ready advisory group.  Click here to read more.

Offering local help

22nd July 2020

In times like these it’s a great thing when one of us pro-actively uses their skillset to help others. R&D Manager at Wheatley Solutions, Pete Reeves, wanted to help his local landlord and built a free to use app to meet with government guidelines for customers. We can’t manufacture hand gel but we’re pretty good at building apps. Super job Pete!  You even made the local news!


Water storage is vital

21st July 2020

Did you catch Countryfile on BBC1 last Sunday? 70% of the UK is farmland and the variation in climate is having a huge impact; see 40:15  minutes in on BBC IPlayer. The storage of water has become vital for farmers in order to cope with the increasing periods of drier weather. Wheatley Solutions are leading a team of stakeholders, in consultation with the Environment Agency, to create solutions for water storage and the trade of water. If you’d like to know more about this project or you’d like to be involved please contact us.

Ofwat Innovation Consultation

16th June 2020

This week Wheatley Solutions’ Water Solution Manager Simon Murray has been listening to Ofwat to engage and respond to their consultation on innovation funding. Having completed the consultation survey Simon …

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Covid-19 update

3rd May 2020

Here at Wheatley Solutions we have implemented our Business Continuity capability and our staff are all working from home while our office is closed to minimise social interaction, as per government advice. We continue to operate as normal and our service to customers is not impacted by remote working. All contact numbers, emails and access to our Wheatley Solutions Customer Support Portal remain in place and we are ready and waiting to help customers whenever we are needed. We hope that everyone is taking care and staying safe.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Further enhancements to Wheatley Amethyst, the go-to product for MAPs.

3rd February 2020

Wheatley Solutions have worked with the MAP customer user group to add additional product features to bring even greater efficiency to how the software manages complex handling of smart meter asset management and billing.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

New features added to award winning Wheatley Pinpoint!

4th January 2020

You asked for it and we’ve done it. Meter read capture with read validation based on the average daily consumption has been added to the latest version of Wheatley Pinpoint.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

In demand by MAPs!

3rd January 2020

Dual fuel utility powerhouse extends their contract with Wheatley Solutions making us responsible for all services.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Utility powerhouse selects industry favourite

10th October 2019

Utility powerhouse selects industry favourite Wheatley Jumbo to upgrade their MOP/MAM systems for Industrial & Commercial business. This is a product that remains synonymous with MOPs and continues to deliver outstanding results.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Funding awarded to Wheatley Solutions following our successful Sprint at Innovate East in September.

7th October 2019

The panel of judges agreed that the Wheatley Watersource concept has great potential and as such funding will be received from Essex & Suffolk Water and Anglian Water to develop it further.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Still under wraps, Wheatley Solutions’ newest product gains market qualification approval from Elexon.

3rd October 2019

On its way, ready for small suppliers and meter operators to use off the shelf. More to be announced soon!

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Runner up! We’re proud of that.

2nd October 2019

The Water Hub hosted the Future Water Association’s Water Dragons Heat at Durham University, on 9th October. Wheatley Solutions was runner up for our latest innovation – Wheatley Watersource. This is an online, single access point water trade hub concept and it’s attracting plenty of attention.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Wheatley Solutions are all about action at Innovate East.

3rd September 2019

Organised and run by Anglian Water and Essex & Suffolk Water, we led a Sprint on water trade between water abstraction licence holders. Thanks to all of you who took part – we’ll be in touch!

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Rapidly growing challenger utility business migrates directly to Wheatley Solutions.

3rd August 2019

With their expanding customer base and increased regulatory dataflow handling requirements, Wheatley Jumbo provides them with reliable and proven dual fuel metering services.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Wheatley Solutions provide the answer.

3rd July 2019

Top ten utility giants select Wheatley Solutions to add functionality to support their smart meter firmware with Wheatley Amethyst as the market looks poised for another growth spurt.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.


3rd May 2019

Our clever water meter location app continues to shine. Wheatley Pinpoint was short listed at WWT’s, (Water & Waste Treatment) Water Industry Awards 2019 for Most Innovative Data and Software Solution of the Year.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Highly commended!

3rd April 2019

We are delighted that our newest innovation, Wheatley Pinpoint received a ‘Highly Commended’ Award at Future Water Association’s Water Dragons 2018. The Wheatley Pinpoint app leads the user to wherever a water meter is located without relying on a network connection, however remote or complex the situation. Meter data is captured and improved as a result.

To discuss how any of our products could help your business please contact us.

Let’s talk!

Contact us for a conversation to explore options, to arrange a demo or to ask about pricing.